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Urgent Reminder: Submit your Business Tax Returns by May 15 to Avoid Penalties


It's not too late! Call KS Accountants in Melbourne on (03) 8360 9061 and we will help you get back on track with the tax office.

As an Australian business owner, it's crucial to prioritize submitting your business tax returns by the May 15 deadline. Late submissions can lead to significant penalties that can negatively impact your business. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of timely tax return submissions, the potential penalties involved, and how KS Accountants, a Melbourne-based business tax agent, can assist you in avoiding trouble with the tax office. Let's dive in!

Why Timely Submission Matters: Penalties for Late Submissions

Submitting your business tax returns on time demonstrates your commitment to compliance and collaboration with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Failure to meet the May 15 deadline can result in various penalties. Late lodgment fees can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on your business size and the duration of the delay. General interest charges accrue on any outstanding tax liability after the due date, potentially leading to substantial amounts over time. In severe cases of persistent non-compliance, legal action may be taken against businesses.

For Example:

Let's consider a fictional company called ABC Electronics. Due to poor record-keeping and other business priorities, ABC Electronics fails to submit their tax returns for the financial year 2022 on time. As a result, they miss the May 15 deadline by several months.

Consequences for ABC Electronics:

  1. Late Lodgment Fees: ABC Electronics incurs a late lodgment fee of $1,000 or more for each month of delay. Considering a four-month delay, their penalty amounts to over $4,000.

  2. General Interest Charges: The outstanding tax liability of ABC Electronics accumulates interest charges (currently at 10.46% per annum - valid April - June 2023).

  3. Legal Action: If ABC Electronics continues to neglect their tax obligations, persistent non-compliance may result in legal action by the tax office, leading to further financial and reputational consequences.

Even the fictional ABC Electronics can be helped, by calling KS Accountants in Melbourne on (03) 8360 9061

How KS Accountants Can Help:

At KS Accountants, we have dealt with late submissions before - we are here to help you avoid trouble with the tax office. Our team of friendly and experienced business tax agents is well-versed in tax compliance matters. We can ensure you meet your tax obligations promptly and accurately.


Submitting your business tax returns on time is crucial for Australian businesses to avoid penalties. Late submissions can result in significant fees, interest charges, and potentially legal action. By partnering with KS Accountants, you can receive expert guidance and support to ensure your tax compliance and protect your business from unnecessary trouble with the tax office. Don't delay any further – contact us today to secure your peace of mind and a hassle-free tax season!



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