Creating the right foundations for a new business or company.

You've got a great idea for a new business. You have done your homework and are ready to go to market. But how do you get started? Do you need an ACN, an ABN or both? Should you register for GST? What structure should I create for my company? How do I secure a company name, website domain name or bank account?
It's hard enough getting your new business launched, without having to wade through all of the regulatory requirements. Let KS Accountants help you with a strong foundation for your company.
Step #1 - Download our FREE checklist for starting a new company
Our checklist covers all the major tasks you need BEFORE you start selling anything! Click the link below to get your FREE checklist
Step #2 - What type of company do you need?
It is important to understand how you are planning to structure and run your company, so that it can be set up in the correct way. For example, are you going to be the sole director and operator? Are you going into partnership with another person? Or are you hoping to join forces with another company?
KS Accountants can help you decide what you need, and then we make sure that all regulatory compliance is taken care of for you. We pride ourselves on accuracy and attention to detail, to make sure that your company starts off on the right foot.
"A little bit of thought at the beginning of the process goes a long way." – Stephen Krstevski, Principal Accountant at KS Accountants
Step #3 - What's in a name?
One of the first things to decide is what you want the name of your company to be. This becomes especially important if you want to have a website using the same (or similar) name. You may not realise that Australian Company Names are required to be unique. So make sure that you think of several options, so that we can check which names are available to you.
Step #4 - Compliance, Compliance, Compliance
In Australia we are lucky to have strong regulations which keep our economy stable, and money flowing through trusted channels.
However that comes with a lot of 'red tape' and compliance. Let KS Accountants help you start off on the right foot with the correct documentation you need. For example:
Your Company Constitution
Shareholder certificates
Registration of Company Directors
Registration for GST and PAYG
Company Minutes as required by regulators
KS Accountants knows how to execute these documents in a timely and efficient manner, so that you can get on with growing your business.
Step #5 - All the signatures are done, now what?
Phew, you got to the end, your hand is cramped from signing documents, and now you have your very own ACN, ABN, TFN and possibly even registered for GST and PAYG. (You will need some or all of these to do business in Australia.)
Here's where you can start doing practical things to get your business going:
Open a bank account in your company's name
Start an accounting system to create invoices and get paid! (Pssst KS Accountants can help you with bookkeeping)
Hire staff
Much much more
Startups need not be that hard
Coming up with a profitable business idea is that hard bit. You've already done that! So let us do the tricky bits of setting up the legal entity and ensuring full compliance with Australian legislation. After all that is our expertise.
Let KS Accountants give you the correct foundations for your company, which will give your business the best start in life.